Q: I am like most people today, spending all day on my computer and two monitors at work, then another hour or two at home in the evening. My new glasses are fine for driving and reading up close, but it seems I struggle to find the “sweet spot” in my glasses for my computer vision. Any suggestions?
A: Yes! It seems that even though almost everyone over 40 wears progressive lenses these days ( true “bifocals” with lines are virtually extinct )……most people are not familiar with “computer progressives”. While regular progressive lenses are designed with three powers in them: for distance, intermediate and near vision, computer progressives have two powers: intermediate and near.
In fact, these lenses are very different in that the center of each lens is focused for 20-28 inches……the normal distance to your monitor/s. Yet the bottom area still focuses for close vision to see your cell phone or read a page. There is very little if any focusing area for distance….these are not meant for driving.
We actually prescribe this specialty progressive for most patients today, because so many people spend hours and hours staring at screens at work and at home. Musicians also love this lens as they are reading music at arm’s length distance. So yes, this means you will have two pairs of glasses. I also use these for my desk work and simply keep one pair on my desk and my regular glasses in my car.
To precisely prescribe computer lenses for you, we will ask a few more questions. We will want to know how far away is your monitor typically, how high the screen/s are ( above or below eye level ), and if you need occasional vision to look up to see someone across the room. These sort of lifestyle, or “workstyle” questions help us choose the design that will be most successful for you. For best comfort, we recommend blue light and ultraviolet filters built into the lenses.
Lastly, we even now have “multifocal” contact lenses to help with near focusing and still keep you distance vision clear! Obviously, talk with your eye doctor at your next eye exam to discuss your vision needs and how best to prescribe for them.